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【kaiyun体育(中国)官方网站】这家公司有望成为阿里巴巴进军美国的桥头堡 ShopRunner

本文摘要:When Alibaba raised $25 billion in its blockbuster I.P.O. in September, U.S.-based e-commerce companies were curious to know when the Chinese giant planned to begin spending that money to compete against them.今年9月,当阿里巴巴(Alibaba)在声势浩大的首次公开发表IPO中筹得250亿美元时,美国的电子商务公司都很想要告诉,这家中国电商巨头打算何时拿这笔钱与它们进行竞争。

When Alibaba raised $25 billion in its blockbuster I.P.O. in September, U.S.-based e-commerce companies were curious to know when the Chinese giant planned to begin spending that money to compete against them.今年9月,当阿里巴巴(Alibaba)在声势浩大的首次公开发表IPO中筹得250亿美元时,美国的电子商务公司都很想要告诉,这家中国电商巨头打算何时拿这笔钱与它们进行竞争。The answer is that no one really knows: Alibaba has been focused more on investing in the U.S. than in operating there. The China market, after all, is huge. Witness the $7-billion “Singles Day” shopping orgy the country celebrated on Tuesday.没有人确实告诉答案。阿里巴巴目前更加侧重在美国投资,而不是在美国运营。


Look more closely, though, and there are ways to discern Alibaba’s strategy. For instance, the only U.S. investment it discussed in its I.P.O. filing was the 39% stake it took in ShopRunner, an Amazon Prime-like service founded by the same team that started an Amazon competitor called GSI Commerce, now part of eBay . Alibaba invested about $200 million in ShopRunner last year. It also has invested in taxi-killer Lyft and game maker Kabam, but only ShopRunner earned the prospectus mention.不过仔细观察,我们还是需要寻找一些探究阿里巴巴战略的方法。比如,阿里巴巴的认购说明书中唯一提及的美国投资,是并购了ShopRunner 公司39%的股权。该公司的服务与亚马逊金牌会员服务(AmazonPrime)十分类似于,其创始人曾多次创立过亚马逊的竞争对手GSI Commerce公司,后者如今已被易趣(eBay)并购。去年,阿里巴巴在ShopRunner上投资了大约2亿美元。

该公司还投资了私家车乘坐服务应用于Lyft和游戏制造商Kabam,不过认购说明书只提及了ShopRunner。To learn more about ShopRunner I recently visited its offices in San Mateo, Calif. and the company’s CEO, Scott Thompson. You might remember him as the one-time CEO of Yahoo who left after reports that his resume wasn’t altogether accurate. He left Yahoo in 2012 and before that had been a top PayPal executive at eBay.为了更进一步理解ShopRunner,我最近参观了它在加利福尼亚州圣马特奥的办公室,并对该公司首席执行官斯科特o汤普森展开了专访。你或许忘记他曾多次兼任过雅虎(Yahoo)首席执行官,后来因为简历有水分而不得不在2012年辞职。

重新加入雅虎之前,他曾兼任易趣缴纳平台贝宝公司(PayPal)总裁。ShopRunner, it turns out, has an interesting niche. Whereas Amazon Prime customers can get anything under the sun—and then some, including streaming videos—delivered to them for $99 a year, ShopRunner customers get a more select, slightly more curated collection of brands. They pay $79 for free, two-day delivery. It’s a deal designed to attract consumers but also merchants, who see the value of not being glopped together with everyone else over at Amazon.事实证明,ShopRunner享有一个有意思的小众市场。



Thompson, the technology executive, is learning to talk like a merchant. “Retailers ask, ‘Who is my neighbor in the mall?’ There’s a lot of brand adjacency in retailing. Amazon has a lot of SKUs. So if you’re someone who is very thoughtful about your brand, you’re in the middle of a lot of stuff. Our attitude is, if it’s something you need, go with Amazon Prime. If it’s something you want and have an emotional connection to, that’s us.”科技高管汤普森于是以习着像一个店主那样说出。“零售商不会回答:‘我在购物中心里不会与谁为邻?’在零售业中,大量品牌坐落而居。


”Focusing on signing up name-brand retailers—a few include American Eagle Outfitters, Diesel, and Neiman Marcus—is ShopRunner’s bet on relevancy in a world dominated by Amazon.ShopRunner将重点放到签下的名牌零售商上,比如美鹰傲飞来(American Eagle Outfitters)、Diesel和内曼o马库斯(Neiman Marcus)。在亚马逊统治者的这个全球市场,ShopRunner把赌局压在了顾客与品牌的关联性上。The strategy worked to the extent that it attracted another important brand, American Express. The financial services company cut a deal with ShopRunner to offer the two-day free delivery service to all of its cardholders, minus corporate card users. “Free shipping and shipping in general is critical to driving engagement online,” says Leslie Berland, executive vice-president for digital partnerships at Amex, who inked the deal with ShopRunner. Neither she nor Thompson says who pays whom in the Amex-ShopRunner relationship. But Amex is providing a free benefit to its customers that then enables ShopRunner to collect a commission on sales it facilitates for its customers. Amex, by the way, also invested in ShopRunner.这个战略发展得很成功,甚至更有另一个最重要品牌美国运通(American Express)参予其中。这家金融服务公司与ShopRunner达成协议,对所有运通卡持有人(不不含公司卡用户)获取免费的两日内租车。


ShopRunner is privately held and doesn’t disclose revenues. Janney Capital Markets analyst Shawn Milne, who follows e-commerce companies, guesses the company’s sales could be approaching $200 million on as many as 2 million subscribers. “One of the reasons they are showing value is that they are delivering new valuable customers to the network,” he says. Milne predicts ShopRunner could grow to as many as 10 million customers, not a mass-market business but a profitable one. It also could be valuable to an e-commerce giant looking to compete with Amazon.ShopRunner是私人公司,未公开发表收益。Janney Capital Markets公司电子商务行业分析师肖恩o米尔恩猜测,该公司的销售额有可能相似2亿美元,并有多达200万收费用户。他回应:“他们正在展现出价值的原因之一在于,他们正在将一些有价值的新客户带回网上。


That’s where Alibaba comes in. So far the Chinese giant barely operates in the U.S. But it is the largest shareholder in ShopRunner, which recently signed a deal with Alibaba affiliate Alipay to connect its U.S. merchant customers with Chinese consumers. It’s also worth noting that Alibaba isn’t a retailer. It runs online marketplaces. That could change. “Alibaba doesn’t have a Prime-ShopRunner analogue,” Thompson notes. “It doesn’t sell anything on its own.” Not yet anyway.这就是阿里巴巴的切入点。到目前为止,这家中国巨头完全没在美国运营任何业务,但它是ShopRunner的仅次于股东。








